Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

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Why did the rapper bring a clock to the concert?

Because he wanted to spit BARS on time

Why was the rapper bad at baseball?

Because he always dropped the MIC instead of the BAT

Why did the rapper get kicked out of the kitchen?

Because he kept dropping the BEETS

Why did the rapper bring a map to the recording studio?

Because he heard they were dropping TRACKS

How do you know if a rapper is hungry?

They start dropping BEATS at the dinner table

The fact I couldn't hear the announcements at my school because the boys in my advisory are clapping with no hands should be a joke just in itself....they were making sexual faces as well, oh and don't forget the moaning they do.

For the encore, we'd love to tell you a construction joke but ... we're still working on it.

I suggested to my girlfriend that she would look sexier with her hair back Apparently that’s insensitive to someone during chemo