
Diet Jokes

Today is Good Friday, so there will be no meat for us to eat. Instead we have to do what lesbians do and eat fish.

Man Goes To The Doctor He Has A Banana sticking out of one ear , a carrot stinking out of the other ear and a green been stinking out of one nostrils. "Doctor, I'm not feeling well" the man complains. " Well, it's no wonder" The Doctor replies " You're not eating right"

why dont vegetarians moan during sex?

Because they dont want to admit that meat makes them happy

why are people in japan so slim. bcuz the last time a fatman came the lost half their population

"Don't forget you are what you eat," said one person. "Then I should eat a skinny person." said the other.

the reason why I stopped eating salads was not to be unhealthy it was so I don't need to eat the wheelchairs along with all those fucking vegetables.


I donā€™t know why I go to the gym being healthy is dying fast as possible, and I really want to speed that shit up